Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Important Security Warnings!

Very important! it has just been discovered that humans can now catch computer viruses, and hackers can turn your PC into a bomb and detonate your whole dang neighborhood! Please see the articles below for details.


  1. Now that would be some deadly virus if one could somehow affect computers and humans...

  2. Yikes, I wonder who will be the first to create the vaccine?

  3. I know this is a joke but one day I see it as being true. Technology is so advanced that I think they one day will be able to make your computer turn on you. There is this one app my boyfriend uses to be able to go on my computer while he is hundred of miles away from me. With that being said, why can't someone turn your computer into a bomb from afar. Creepy

  4. Oh no !! Need to bring my computer to a doctor for a checkup. The headline at the bottom of the first page is funny. 911 Misunderstands 'Bear with me'- man is mauled.

  5. That would be a very scary thing if a computer virus was able to spread to humans. The thing about the second article and picture is that I believe that one day hackers will be able to find a way to do this, especially the way technology has advanced and how it keeps advancing very quickly.

    -Shane Booth

  6. This would be insane if this ever happened. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised because the constant advancement in technology. Hackers are getting so good at hacking and are making it hard for us to have privacy. This is truly a scary scenario that could become reality.

  7. This gave me a good laugh for today, but do you really beleive that computer can give a human a virus?? I am not believing that how would that even be possible for a machine to pass a acutal virus onto a human. This article was pretty entertaining, it maybe possibly in the near future for a hacker to turn your computer into a bomb and explode with how much technology is advancing but I still feel that it is still just a little too far fetched.

  8. This seems a bit disturbing. If the day comes when a virus can be transmitted from a computer or even turned into a bomb, no one will want to use computers anymore. Just imagine a world without access to computers. Everything that we do would have to be does on paper, in person, regular mail. We would be going backwards in time. Not to mention the instant gratification of communicating. Imagine the world tech-free. Now that sounds disturbing.

  9. I agree with everyone, but the question I want to know is why would anyone want to create something like a virus transferring to humans, or a bomb? They would have to have a very "sick" mind.

    Mya Taylor

  10. For all of the cruel and evil things that people choose to use computers for this would not surprise me. But it is absolutely ridiculous to think that it would be possible. Computers are machines, the way they spread a virus is by multiple people using the same keyboard and transferring germs from one person to another.
