Friday, April 18, 2014

Some interesting behind-the-scenes web stuff

I found an interesting web site I was not previously familiar with. Called CodePen, it shows bits of web content, any of which you can  hover over to get a brief explanation of what you'll be seeing, then click on and view the underlying HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and .js (JavaScript) if any, in their own window.

If you've ever wondered what goes in to creating some of the things you see on webpages, this is a really interesting site to look around and begin to become familiar with the way they are coded.

A good example to start with is Hyperspace, which you can view at this link. It has no JavaScript, although you see some in the right window, however it is in fact what is known as 'commented out.' Because it is contained within the '/*' and '*/,' it is considered explanatory and ignored by the browser. But you can see the other code that went in to it.

Another good example that does use JavaScript is '100,000 particles,' the first link under the 'popular' heading. It shows what's capable with some actual coding powering the display of a web browser.

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