Monday, April 7, 2014

Smart watches?

I thought watches had gone out of style. I have one that looks like a Rolex, but it's not. It's very nice, though, a Seiko that I bought about 20 years ago but haven't worn for 10. I have another that was very expensive that I received as a gift, and I only wear that when I need to look professional or give an impression. In other words, rarely.

Now, however, 'Smart Watches' seem to be causing mass hysteria, with everyone wanting one and a bunch of talk about how great they'll be.

There's the rumored iWatch from Apple, Samsung's Galaxy Gear, Google's AndroidWear, the Pebble, Sony's cleverly-named SmartWatch, even things like the FitBit (which was recently recalled) and a host of others.

Now *that* would be nifty
I have to be honest, I'm surprised. Watches were, or at least I thought they were, going out of style. Especially the big gaudy ones, but all watches since we had smartphones we could use instead. It's been debated on forums and in popular press, with that last link arguing we don't need smart watches because we have regular watches, and while horologists might disagree, I guess the promise of even more immediate connectivity can't be ignored. In fact, I noticed at Target it's an entire section!

The big appeal is that these watches will update you if you get an email/facebook/text message, track your workouts, give biometric feedback, connect to services that can send and receive information...

But your phone does that already. I don't know, I have been trying to wrap my head around the idea of these new smartwatches, and while the ones I've personally seen have been well-made and interesting, I just don't see the need.


  1. I think this smart watches are so cool. I think people would like to get them especially for working out, checking vitals, and track workouts because it's very handy and convenient to take around without having to wear those armbands to put your phone in. I probably won't buy it though just because I know I won't use it.

  2. Hi Darren,

    I ALWAYS wear my jawbone fitness tracker on my wrist. I have had this tracker for abut a year and love it. It measures steps, sleep, food and calories. I measured the jawbone against the Nike Power Band and the Jawbone blows it away. I am hooked on this technology!!!

    1. I also wear my watch all the time. I didn't realize they went out of fashion. However I still will wear it. Sometimes you need one, especially when you are working out, or don't have pockets. I actually got ideas from the other students.

      Mya Taylor

  3. Coming from someone who works for a telecommunications company these watches are silly, they are just another one to have the consumer purchase more unecessary accessories. The watch does almost everthing your device does which keep in mind you could have paid a pretty penny for. So why would I purchase an accessory that does the same thing as my phone? (Give or take some features and cost around $249.00 for the Galaxy) They look and sound cool but they are not needed, I will just stick to with my phone. Oh and I still wear watches, matter of I know a lot of people who buy a new watch every time they get paid, guess it just depends on the person.

  4. I also though watches were out of fashion. I guess the old saying is true that "everything old is new again". A new twist on a old product. I love my iPhone and I am content with that, so I do not think that I would get a smart watch. I'm thinking as technology continues to advance at such a rapid pace, we will see more and more capability from other devices.

  5. These watches just seem like something out the past, like something I might see in an old James Bond movie. They would have been super cool if it weren't for the smartphone; now they just seem a bit silly to me. A guy that works in my building wears the Samsung Galaxy Gear and he is constantly wandering around talking on his phone, but I have never seen him use his watch. I am patiently waiting for the day I see him talk to his watch.

    Despite my opinion of the new smart watches, I do own a Polar Heart Rate Monitor that (most likely somewhat accurately) tracks my beats per minute and calories expended. I have been using a heart rate monitor on and off for about 10 years. I like that the Hawthorne Effect kicks in and I push harder when I am wearing it.

  6. I have been looking into the "smart watch" line for some time now and I am amazed of the progression that it has came with. I also been hearing about how apple is in the beginning stage of producing its own version of the watch. I am an apple person, so if this rumor is true then I will probably purchase it.

  7. I work for a high end handbag and jewelry boutique and watches are definitely not going out of style! Though they were originally used to tell time, the fashion world is now just using them as a large added accessory. I found this to be intriguing to have a watch do so much! How do people think of these concepts?!?!?!

  8. Watches are not going out of style. They are quite the accessory for many people these days. Big watches are still in style even, with lots more colors and bling these days. I actually will still look at my watch simply just to see what time it is as to where most people look at their phones. Yes, since our phones do everything this watch can do, I don't see this becoming a big trend. I wouldn't buy one.
