Monday, February 3, 2014

Finally some good news

As a contrast to the previous posts about Sony and Blackberry, Facebook is doing well! Revenue grew 63% thanks to ad sales, which are mandatory for a (sort-of) free service like theirs.

I know many people chastise Facebook and the people who use it as nothing but social introverts, and even consider it an addiction and source of depression, but I personally have no problem with it. I'm not a frequent user and feel it's important to interact face to face and be active away from the computer screen, but at the same time I have friends in Canada, friends in Sweden, and friends on the east coast and it's a very convenient way of keeping in touch with them all. 

Not only that, they just released their Paper app, and if the reviews are anything to go by they really did it right. It attempts to go beyond Facebook's news feed by giving you a streamlined and customized for you newsfeed, stripping away the peripohery of the web-based site and providing additional means of interaction. It was also widely reported that teens are leaving Facebook in droves, because they don't like being in the same social environments as their parents, and are migrating to other services such as tumblr and SnapChat, Twitter and Instagram, leaving nothing but adults behind. So the reasons to stay just keep getting better!

Also, the service has just turned 10, which is worse than dog years in tech, and even with the debates over who actually started it, is valued at $150 billion. Not bad (or is it?).  

Thoughts? Love Facebook? Hate it? Don't care? It's been a surprising area of debate for some time.


  1. I could say I 'love' facebook because it has helped me keep in touch with my family in Peru after MSN lost popularity, but at the same time it almost killed my marriage a couple of times so I guess it is more of a hate/love situation which makes it feel more human since I love/hate many of my friends and co-workers too.
    The way it lets you interact and keep in touch with friends is not much different than MySpace or Hi5 was to my believe, but the amount of attention and power it got so quickly has positioned it among one of the tech companies to take down or follow it steps by competitors. I'm glad their profits and stock is doing better, God knows we need something doing good in the stock market right now, but I would like to see more innovation in their wall side, the part that started it all.
    I guess I will keep on using Facebook, although I will stay with Twitter and Instagram as well, I can see Twitter becoming a very profitable public company in the near future with great market longevity.

  2. I started out with MySpace and quickly lost interest since it seemed mostly for teenagers. However, Facebook is my favorite social network. Yes, I have an Instagram account, but only use it when nieces and nephews post something. With Facebook, I have contact with all my family, my friends from high school, and even military friends. I think it is one of the best inventions. Although some people have more drama on Twitter and Facebook, I have not had any problems, maybe because I only allow friends to see and post on my account.
    As for the stock markets for Facebook, like Cesar says, we do need some good news in stocks. Even the side ads don't bother me. I am waiting on the Paper app and hope it is as good as it sounds.

  3. I do have a Facebook and I am hardly on it anymore. It is nice to be able to keep in touch with my family who live out of state. I just recently started an Instagram because my co-workers kept bothering me about it. I am not a big person when it comes to social media and I think that has something to do with how little of free time I have. It is nice to know that there is a social media site that helps older generations stay in contact. My dad thinks he is the coolest person around because he is “in” with the social media. Even though every time he wants to upload a photo he calls me. It’s nice to know that Facebook is not just falling behind like what Myspace did and that they have just turned 10 and are making a profit.

    -Stephanie Theobald

  4. As always, I was one of the last people to jump on the Facebook wagon. I stopped using MySpace because Facebook was more user friendly. I was extremely addicted to it for years, still kind of am, but I try to control the bad habit. I can't say that I love Facebook like I did back when I first opened my account, but I still use it to see funny posts and keep up with the media. However, it does seems like people are using it more as a diary then to socialize with peers. I agree, Facebook has been over powered by adults. After my parents, uncles, and aunts joined, I felt like I had no privacy. Now my primary network site is Instagram.

    I also use Facebook as an external storage (I think that's what it would be called) to save pictures in case my computer ever crashes, which has happened before ,since I don't have an external hard drive.

  5. I was a Facebook junky up until recent changes that came about. If you add the Facebook application on your phone you have to accept their terms which are really disturbing. App permission; Your messages- they are able to read your text messages (sms or mms) Your location- allows apps to access your approximate location using location services based on network sources, such as mobile phone towers and Wi-Fi Aps. Camera- allows the app to take pictures and videos with the camera, this permission allows the app to use the camera at any time without your confirmation. Your personal information- add or modify calendar events and send emails to guests without host's knowledge. Phone calls- allows the app to call phone numbers without your intervention. This may result in unexpected charges or calls. Storage- Modify or delete the contents of your USB storage. Microphone- allows the app to record audio with the microphone without the host's knowledge. Your accounts- adding and removing of accounts and deleting or changing the passwords.

    Wow, why would I allow you to have total access to my personal life. I know certain people who don't even allow you to touch their phone as it has sensitive personal information. With all that being said, I know longer do Facebook.

  6. I love facebook! While I used to consider myself "addicted", my studies now consumer more of my time. I do check it on a daily basis and I like the new updates they continue to make; the effects on the pictures, easy uploading of videos, sorting your newsfeed by photos, groups, or most recent. I read an article in the NY Times that stated 2013 was a successful stock year for facebook and so far in 2014, they're still continuing to grow. I do agree that many teens are probably traumatized by their parent’s being on there but as a parent, I would much rather be a part of it so I can track what my child is posting. I have twitter and Instagram, which I barely use, but it’s a good way to ensure teens are behaving themselves. While I do get annoyed with those that post every minute, that’s nothing a thumb scroll can’t fix (or the unfriend button!). I am thankful for uploading pictures; the software update caused me to lose everything and most my pictures I had uploaded to facebook so it helped in retrieving them!

  7. I was one of those kids who transitioned from MySpace to Facebook. I also check Facebook on a daily basis, but don't post too many things. In fact, I find myself posting more to Twitter these days than Facebook. But I do like to occasionally check in at a location, or read to see what other people are up to. Some say that Facebook is perfect for those who live "drama-free" lives. By reading other people's drama, it can really fill the void. That is what I mostly use it for.

  8. When all this social networking sites started popping up I was not easliy hooked. It took me awhile to make a Myspace page (remember Myspace lol), once that got boring I migrated over to Facebook. I will admit when I first started using it I thought it was lame and boring, but over the years the website has improved. I like the security features, uploading pictures is easier etc. I do get annoyed with the teens and young kids posting disrespectufl things on facebook, so maybe it is best they migrate to other sites. Its good to know they are rolling out new apps for facebook, and I want to see what this Paper app is like on Android devices. I will check it out once it becomes available for Android market.

  9. I personally really like social media. I don't put all my business out there for everyone to read and see but I do like the idea of connecting with family and friends. I don't have any family in Nevada they're all mostly in California and Ohio. So having a facebook and also an instagram makes it really easy to stay connected with them rather than having to make time out of everyones busy schedules to make a long phone call or text conversations because, without even knowing it you're all seeing how each others lives are and what you're up to. Being able to see at your own time how old friends are doing. I have heard a lot of people say they don't want to go to their high school reuinions because they see enough on Facebook. Now, I think that is a little silly but can definitely be true with the amount some people post about. I do like the part of Facebook that I can 'like' a page of a show I watch on T.V and it gives me information that is happening or also on news channels as well, so it can be for social and also gives you great information as well.

    -Kristen Lalli

  10. Although I am on Facebook, I am not big on social media. I don't want to post a bunch on senseless comments like my relatives do. I use it sparingly to keep them informed of the basics. They don't need to hear that I ate a chocolate ice cream cone tonight and it was wonderful. Good for Facebook to be making a profit. Ads go where the people are there to read them.

  11. Facebook is the perfect tool to stay connected with family and friends. Thanks to it I have been able to stay and get in touch with childhood friends, I really have friends and family all over the world, Spain, Italy, Mexico etc. With time we have gone separate ways but Facebook helps us to stay updated. However I'm not one to be looking at it constantly or posting something every five minutes. For half my life I didn't even own a computer so I do not feel the need to post every time I eat or what in one day. Mostly I just post pictures using also instagram or check out other people's post.

  12. Facebook was actually the first social network that I created a profile on. However, I no longer use it due to the fact that things have changed since then. At first, Facebook for for college students and you needed a University .edu email to even create an account. Now anyone can from my little cousin to my mother, Facebook no longer has any restrictions. I'm with the majority of the younger population and bolted to twitter and instagram for my social media now.

  13. I remember going from MySpace which was my first social network to FaceBook and how drastic that transition was at first. I am currently experiencing that with the newer social networks. I have an instagram account but could not tell you the last time I used it. But I sadly have an obsession with FaceBook I look at it every chance I can. I am not sure why it is so dominate in my life, many since moving out her on my own I became more aware that I am not with any of my best friends or any family members so it is a nice way to constantly stay connected with one another and know what is going on when it is happening. So I know that I will be using FaceBook for a while and could see myself possibly transitioning to using Instagram more than I am now but still have my sad obsession of FaceBook. They have made it so easy to stay connected with friends and with a constantly updating app available for smartphones the features tend to improve and allow users to customize their profiles to their own liking. I feel that this change for younger people might not be such a bad thing since it seems to be more obnoxious and unwanted on FaceBook anyways. I think it can definitely be a positive thing for those who live away from their hometown and their loved ones!

  14. I think Facebook is OK. At first I was skeptical, but after learning the ins and outs of it and how it could benefit me, I came to like it. It's a place were I can keep in touch with my family and friends at the click of a button, especially when they live so far away. Also, I found ways to use Facebook to my advantage. Like other social medias, websites, and blogs, it has been helpful in allowing me send out information to thousands of people about my son that has been missing for 73 days now. Facebook allows me to share his information with thousands of people, that I would of not been able too otherwise. We haven't found him yet but at least his face is out there and it is partly do to Social medias sharing that information. Anyway, I think people can get carried away with it as well. Some of the things I see on there are just plain ridiculous, but I just ignore them. The nice thing about Facebook, if someone really bothers you just block them.

  15. Facebook is the only social media site that I use. I am very private so I don't post anything personal on there. I prefer not to have any pictures of my children but that's difficult with having so much family in other states and out of the country. I do keep it to a minimal though. I have a 14year old daughter that has Facebook and one of the rules is that I am a friend so that I can monitor her page. But yes it's true that Facebook is for more middle aged people these days and the youngsters are going else where. I just refuse to try o keep up with KIK, Tumbler, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. I'm good with Facebook. I think it's fairly easy to use and works great for keeping in touch with family. Although I may not post a lot I do enjoy seeing what my family is up to. The youngsters will get bored with all of the other sites as well and move on. Good luck trying to keep up with them. I however do not pay attention to any of the ads.
