Monday, February 10, 2014

Apple's 1984 Super Bowl ad

As I mentioned in class, below is the 1984 advertisement for Apple that was shown during a commercial break during Super Bowl XVIII. Except for a local showing the previous year, this was the only time the advertisement appeared on television, but it began a storied marketing fable for Apple.

Honestly, the ad doesn't make much sense in terms of the times (the PC industry hadn't yet matured to the point where one could say there was attempt at conformity, except perhaps for the interface), but it was a brilliant way to get the company and the name noticed. It was years later with the iPod silhouette ad campaign that they again came right to the forefront of advertising. You can see all of them in the single YouTube clip below.

The thing about the 1984 ad is that some are now saying Apple is the giant oppressive company demanding you do things their way, which is the very thing the 1984 ad was showing they *weren't.* In fact, if you listen closely to the voice preaching to the gathered gray masses, you can hear him talking about the 'garden of pure ideology' they can all live and work in in, when Apple's platform has been referred to as a walled garden again and again and again. And again. And again and again. You get the idea.

Still, great ads. And when Microsoft tries to imitate them and be hip and edgy, it just doesn't work. Not at all. You can see their attempt to be Apple-like below, and while the dancing is impressive and I can appreciate what they were trying to do, that image doesn't sync up properly with Microsoft (although they're trying to change that). And frankly, if I worked at that company I'd be looking for a new job.

Here's an earlier one that, while still not saying anything about what the Surface actually does, didn't bug me as much as the one above.

Advertising is a funny thing. Not only does it have to represent the product, it has to represent the company and the public's perception of that company. Apple has always nailed it perfectly.


  1. I agree with you on a whole up until you came up to the last video. I think that is one of the best commercials of both parties. Now that I climbed on the soapbox. I will step down a moment. Apple started that lets be unique thing and they have become the big tyrant that they were once fighting against. Ironically Microsoft is trying to be cool. It i almost like Carlton Banks meets Jay Z. Just doesn't fit. I see both companies as being the same just travelling from opposite ends.

    Apple has had the best commercials, but most importantly I think Apple has won the youth movement. Those young rebels are getting older and are now making loyalty decisions.

    I hate to keep saying the same thing, but Apple will have to step up and do something soon. I think that they can inspire more changes and technology bursts. I think Microsoft, Samsung, Lenovo, and LG just to name a few are coming hard. We need to see what this bears for consumers.

    I am hoping for better offerings and more agnostic services. Things like music services, movie services, and apps. All those things are driven from the race between Microsoft and Apple, so late the competition flourish.

  2. I own an apple phone and I absolutely love the simplicity of it. Just comparing the commercials the only difference is that apple's is so simple and Microsoft's is full of dancers and people that is distracting. Yes I understand they are trying to show all they can offer but for me it is just too much going on even though it is still cool. A very good commercial is the one where apple compares the ipad to a pencil, how thin and light it is. An issue with apple is that they are constantly launching the same product with just a few differences, for example I have an iphone 4s and my boyfriend a 5s, there is not much I can't do that he can so yes, they definitely need to step it up. This does not mean I do not like Microsoft, their programs make my life much easier. Apple has a way of making its products and technology cool and futuristic. As you have mentioned in class, which I totally agree on, Microsoft needs to advertise the new product and why it is better, not just advertise the brand.

  3. I actually thought Microsoft's advertisements were really cool, but I would have never thought that was a Microsoft product if you wouldn't have mentioned it in the blog post. Knowing the product and the company is essential for an advertisement to be successful. Lately, I’ve noticed there are a lot of commercials that are extremely funny, but I can’t ever recall what the product or service was.

    Although Apple’s original strategy was different in the 1984, I think they did a great job of changing their strategy by keeping their products simple and not going crazy with features. This has caused Apple to be the best at what they do because they have focused on what they are the best at, instead of trying to compete with Microsoft and Google’s features. This theory is known as the Hedgehog Concept. There are too many companies trying to be the best at everything, but it normally doesn’t work out.

    1. Leslie and Daniela,

      I am not being difficult but, I agree simple is great, but how does Apple justify elevated costs for doing less? I think that is where i have the issue. Example, Daniela says "An issue with apple is that they are constantly launching the same product with just a few differences, for example I have an iphone 4s and my boyfriend a 5s, there is not much I can't do that he can" May I ask was there an increase in price from the 4 to the 5? For a product to be more it should be better. At least different.

  4. I personally think that the bottom advertisement that Microsoft did was genius. They showed what the product does and made it contemporary and cool, and that is what they are trying to show the viewers that are watching the commercial. They want to show off that they have a great and cool new product that everyone should try out and they show that within the advertisement, which is kind of strange from Microsoft. Microsoft usually has very boring and plan advertisements for their products, but with this one, it makes you actually want to go play with one and see what all the hype is about in the commercial.

    As for Apple, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE remembers the silhouette advertisements for the IPod. That advertisement was so original and genius that everyone will never forget it, it was EVERYWHERE you looked. Different music on different advertisements different color backgrounds and you knew it had to be an Apple product.

    That is what is different about both of these companies. Apple you know what there advertisement is and is known for, but with Microsoft, I would have never of known what the product was if I hadn't seen it a couple of times, and been familiar with the Surface.

    - Shane Booth

  5. I thought that the 1984 commercial was quite intriguing. Apple did a great job at capturing the audience. I do not feel as though Apple is "the giant oppressive company" demanding I do things their way. Matter of fact, it wasn't until a few years ago, that I even gave Apple a chance, as I was always a huge Microsoft fan. I now own an I-pad, I-phone and Mac Book Air, I think their products are great, and have never had a problem (I do still run windows on my Mac though).

    I have to agree that Apple has "nailed" their advertising/marketing efforts perfectly, and they have also followed up with a great product.

  6. As mentioned above. I too believe that apple nailed their advertising/ marketing. I believe that they had tuned their marketing more towards the younger crowd. Especially with their silhouette advertisement marketing the youth. With the windows surface advertisement, I believe that it was aiming towards the older crowd. Their choreography was amazing and had some crazy dance moves, but was missing the details about the product. Although, it did catch my attention and I did end up doing a bit more research before purchasing one ( unfortunately I did not get the Pro ). With apples advertisements; at the time I did not recall being intrigued as to putting much effort into figuring out what the ipod was. As for it apple being the " giant oppressive company " I feel is true. Now most places that I go or people that I talk to believe that apple is the greatest product and that everybody should have one. Even most cars have a built in option for an ipod charger. Apples advertisements are pretty much spot and and they pretty much have the interest of the market. Heck, they can still get people to buy their product even though it still has the same OS with just a different icon designs.

  7. Although I love Apple, and their job well done marketing, I still feel that Microsoft is a much better brand that allows you to decide when to upgrade and how to modify your belongings, while it seems that Apple does that all for you. I loved Apple until I realized how their true marketing works to current customers. They give you a product you love and let you think you have gotten your moneys worth of it and then you magically have issues keeping up to date with current Apps and programs available for Mac products because Apple has created these newer products that are not compatible with your three, four or five year old desktop. This is exactly what happened to me and because of the way Apple has designed their product it takes more effort to attempt to modify the product to make it compatible again than it does to just buy a newer product or accept that some software will not be compatible at this point in time with your desktop. This is when I branched off from Apple. I got an Acer laptop, Samsung Galaxy smart phone which I love! I love their marketing, and as a business major I admire their techniques, but as a consumer I felt take advantage of since I spent a lot more money thinking I was going to be receiving a product that would last me a long time to find out it would no longer be compatible. So this is why Apple is going to have some die hard fans who will not branch away, while they will lose some supporters because of the way they are truly limiting their usage. There marketing even their older marketing commercials are so advance and attention grabbing it is almost impossible not to know what Apple is and what products they carry.
