Thursday, February 20, 2014

The future is here! (135 years ago)

If we're going to go in to the future, we should also, on occasion, go into the past. Here then, topical to our recent discussions about prosthetics, are a couple of images from a prosthetic limb, circa 1880. I think we have it much better now. You can even print your own


  1. It is quite amazing to see how different the prosthetic limbs have changed over time. To me, the limb from 135 years ago doesn't look very functional. Also, it doesn't look sanitary. I feel like people would have have to worry about it rusting and getting ruined. Today, prosthetic limbs are much more visually appealing; this is good news because I'd imagine the old prosthetics made people extremely insecure. Advancements in technology have changed the quality of life for so many, and they will continue to do so forever! Pretty soon, there is going to be a prosthetic that people can fully control with their mind! Just wait, in the next few years I bet it this technology will be available to anyone!

    1. Indeed, the prosthetic limbs back then looked like it was more of a hassle to take care of and have than it was any real help to anyone at all. They seem to be more irritating than anything in all honesty. The prosthetic limbs they have now definitely look more functional and more sanitary, so they definitely look like they are helping more people in the end.

    2. You make a great point about them not looking sanitary; they don't. Sanitation has definitely improved over the years and infections can easily be treated which is nice. Sanitation is essential to a long healthy life and now thanks to technology, they can be sanitary and mobile! Great thought, I didn’t even think of that.

  2. Growing up I had a uncle that had a prosthetic arm and he was unable to do many things because he had a claw like hand. He was able to hold his beer in a holster which was great even though he had this disability. I think its astonishing how people can run in marathons with two prosthetic legs are able to run marathons. The price of these legs are insane; I searched the price of these legs and they range from 5,000 to over 20,000.

  3. This is remarkable to think that we had this technology even back so many years. As we evolve so does our tech. It is amazing that even back then they were tying to produce limbs for those who did not have them; ones imagination is the begging of new ideas.

  4. It is always amazing to see how technology was back then, the price for that prosthetic arm must be extremely expensive back then too especially with that metal work. I have also heard about the 3D printed prosthetic hand as well on the news. Those 3D printers have been quite fascinating and I have actually been able to see one in person and demoed at the Microsoft Store at the fashion show mall.

  5. Technology is so advanced and interesting to see develop. I know that what we had even 10 years ago is so outdated. To think and imagine what is in store for us the next 10 years is beyond me. I love that technology is used to help so many people with disabilities. I have a friend who was in a bike accident and can't move a single part of her body but her eyes. I hope that they can create something that is affordable to help her be able to be a little more self sufficient. She was a very athletic and independent woman and now she can't do a thing without the help of someone else.

  6. It is truly amazing to see the steps we have taken over the years in technology. The prosthetic limbs have become so much more life like. They have taken into account that people want to look as normal as possible so the color and texture of the prosthetic are steps they are taking to make the patients as comfortable as possible.

  7. I have never seen these or paid attention the effect it has had in our society but I’m glad that the technology has helped improved the way we make prosthetic body parts because it makes peoples life easier to live. But in the other hand we can take a look at this in the artistic way. It is very creative and it looks like something that a metal worker would put together

    Q: what do you guys think about the people that purposely get hurt in order to get a specific prosthetic body part?

    Chris Camacho

  8. This looks so heavy, it is unbelievable how far we have come. It is also quite interesting that prosthetics have been around for so long. Touching the discussion subject a bit, no wonder we've become more accepting of them, they've been around for over a century. The craftsmanship on this is really cool.

  9. I find it very interesting and beneficial that technology such as this is in the near future for so many, but I also feel that these items are very large in size and will be limiting to many. So once there is a smaller and much more everyday use friendly devices available, many will not have to feel helpless which would be awesome!

  10. Maybe we will be able to use 3D printing in the future to be able to choose your own arm!!

  11. It's very interesting to see things like this that existed so long ago. As we discussed in class about computers; a lot of things are better versions of older technology adapted for today. As more information and materials are available as time goes on, the better we get with the inventions and reinventions.
