Thursday, September 26, 2013

The incredible prosthetic leg

Below is an embedded video from last night's CBS evening news which shows an incredible achievement in prosthetic limbs. Keep in mind that this isn't the first mind-controlled prosthetic add-on, however I will hold off on providing any links as we will be talking later in the semester about prosthetic, mind-controlled hands and even a computer that can be controlled by the mind of someone who is completely paralyzed.

Either way, incredible strides have been made in robotic limbs and I believe it will only be a few years before  we begin to see truly usable replacement limbs.


  1. This is an amazing ground breaking technology and the fact that the Doctors have actually implanted this in a living human being is even more astounding. This would certainly bring about a natural selection debate. As humans we are the only species on the planet to circumvent natural selection, which in turn, tilts the balancing scales of sustainability for the planet. But, without these technological breakthroughs, not a single human would have known what brilliance could come from Steven Hawkings. It will be interesting to see how far the technology will advance. I am even more pleased to see it move into a human.

  2. This is definitely incredible and I agree with Cindy about circumventing natural selection that poses risks for the planet. When watching this video I couldn't help but think of the possiblilities of increasing human life expectancy. If the human brain can operate robotic limbs then it can operate an entire robot. If so, when the human body begins to degenerate it can be replaced with a robotic body, limb by limb. Eventually, you have a human head attached to a robotic body. Increasing life expectancy by maybe hundreds of years in my opinion. We'll have to wait and see.
    -Somone Spicer

  3. This surgery is amazing and takes a courageous person to risk under going brain surgery just to see if this would work, there was a lot of risks involved.This was a great story to see and made me really appreciate my life more. Its amazing to see how far technology has come.Years ago nobody would have ever dreamed of this happening. Science has really made some incredible breakthroughs. The robotic hand is the same size and weight as the natural human hand and the same strength which makes it that much realer. Its kind of scary to think of what more human like creations doctors and scientists will create that will look so similar that we cant tell the difference between whats real or not.That's the negative side to this is what if everything their creating becomes more destructive then helpful one day. On a brighter note I think its great that their helping people with disabilities and giving them a normal way of living and giving them hope.

  4. Watched the video. JAW DROPPED. Jan will soon be (if not already) able to grasp objects while directly looking at them. I never knew that the sensors for the arms and legs were at the surface. I was thinking of the brain as a hug system clock sending small pulses. That will change. It looked like there was a transistor on Jan's brain. Jan is part of the "insanity" that pushed the "breakthrough". I posted the video on my facebook page. Hopefully someone will share it. Good post!

  5. It is astounding to see how far we have come with technology. Some people disagree with finding new ways to beat nature and try to cure every medical disease and illness out there, but I believe advancing is important. There will be an excess of human population, but I don't believe advancments will stop there, people will try to solve that problem as well. This video is only a few examples of the lives technology has changed. I want to witness what other amazing breakthroughs are bound to come.

  6. I always like seeing people in need getting help especially when they deserve it. I think that it is great that we are able to help people who have lost limbs during combat or through 'freak' accidents that happen uncontrollably to their bodies. Even though the surgery is dangerous, I'm sure that there are people out there who are willing to take a risk to get everyday functions back in their lives. I like that this technology can even help soldiers without doing brain surgery, which sounds to be a more relaxing and less invasive situation than surgery. Even though I am very happy about this breakthrough, this also scares me that technology is at the point that it is at. It makes me wonder how far it will go ?
