Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Speaking of the Surface

While most people would now associate the Microsoft Surface with a tablet, that wasn't their first intent. You may remember in class we mentioned that multitouch was championed at the consumer level by Apple but at the commercial level by Microsoft. The way they did that was through the development of a relatively large, interactive table called the Surface. Some are even here in Las Vegas.

It's capabilities are remarkable, however its development languished in light of portable offerings from Apple that could do many of the same things, and Microsoft turned it into a tablet design instead. Take a look at the video below; it starts slow, but seeing what their tablet could do is even now remarkable. Still, the Courier tablet would have been a nice development as well.


  1. My first experience with a touch screen was back in the 1990's when I would go to the library and had to look for books. They used a computerized card catalog that you had to touch to locate the book you where looking for. It's amazing how the touch screen has changed over the years. They don't even call it a screen anymore. It's now called a Surface. We can see how time have changed.

    1. I know this is going to sound crazy but my first experience with a touch screen wasn't until a couple years ago. I'm really not big on technology, so I in no rush to try out or purchase anything touch screen, but now i have an Iphone and understand why every one loves a touch screen item. This interactive tablet called the surface is very cool and I have never seen it in person before but its an exciting technology idea. Even though it is quite large I could see why companies would want to purchase it. The wine feature he shows on this video is also pretty cool!
