Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Well *that's* good to hear!

Hey, robots won't stab us now!

Actually, this article is just discussing a newly-developed ability of robots to learn "behaviors" described by vague instructions. As the article notes, robots are terrible at doing this, as are all digital devices, they need very specific, step-by-step directions to complete even a simple task. Now, however, it appears that robots that will help us in the future will be able to pick up on cues during their training and learn the proper way to behave.

I can't believe I just typed that. I'm not thinking of I, Robot at all!


  1. After reading this article it is even more scarier now to know what robots are capable of. It does say that robots are clumsy and its hard to break them from this. Well if a robot is clumsy I sure do not want them holding a knife. It also states that robots can help with house like chores. Pretty soon maids are going to be replaced with robots. Overtime this wont be unusual to have a robot living in your house and doing things for you. My personal opinion is I would not want a robot in my house and helping me its just freaky!

  2. I'm sorry, but any technology that can essentially evolve through basic instruction is scary. This means that they can surpass human decision making ability and essentially take over everything. I, Robot is a prime example of this...where do we draw the line. I do not agree with anthropomorphizing technology. Any robot with the ability to self learn is dangerous.

  3. The advancement of technology of creating and training robots is frightening. It is good to hear that robots are being trained to know how to perform certain tasks without any harm involved, and learning the differences between right and wrong, and people’s preferences, such as not walking in front of the T.V. Since the advancement of robots, it is only going to become more successful as we grow into the future. I think this advancement of robots could actual be beneficial, especially for the disabled or elderly who may need assistance. But it concerns me that the use of these robots might allow other people who do not require the assistance to become lazy and not perform these tasks they are perfectly capable of.

  4. As strange as it may seem, I like interacting with people.
