Wednesday, November 20, 2013

8-core is here!

You may recall when we were discussing hardware we talked about dual-core and quad-core processors, which are single chips that act as though you had multiple CPUs all running at once (remember, that's very difficult to program for).

We also talked about how we are seeing not just desktop PCs but phones and tablets with multi-core processors, and discussed the potential advantages (speed) and disadvantages (battery life) to having such power in a small device.

Well it turns out we were discussing old-hat! The first ever 8-core mobile processor. Mobile is the operative word,since 8-core processors for larger devices have been around for a while.

So soon, if you have the need to use your phone or tablet to remotely pilot a 747, or design the next space station, or chart the evolutionary path of armadillos, or an endless amount of other large-scale tasks, well now you can.


  1. As a full time student and mother, I think it's awesome having the convenience of more computing power on mobile devices.
