Friday, May 2, 2014

Fun computer-thingy time!

That interesting piece of art you see above is actually the result of a tiny program, IOGraph, that tracks mouse movements and converts them into a graphic visualization. Just double-click the program icon and let it run in the background,  no install necessary. The above graphic is from about two hours of computer use on my laptop, with the lines being mouse movements and the circles indicating when the mouse was at rest and for how long. I don't think the colors are relevant but I'm honestly not sure.

The program window itself is very small and uses very few resources.
If you would like to look around the page then I certainly encourage you to do that, and you can download the program from there, however the big download link is for Linux, while the download links for Mac and Windows are at the bottom of the page and represented by tiny icons. If you just want to download the thing and get to tracking, for Windows you can click here for the .exe file and for Mac you can click here for the .dmg file (right-click and select 'save file as' to control where it downloads).


  1. Some people have way too much time on their hand. Although I must admit that it is a fun program. I really do not spend that much time on the computer, so my art came out as more big dots and lots of short lines and that was only 23 minutes worth. I'm going to send a link to my niece (she's constantly glued to the computer) and see how her art comes out.

  2. This is really cool, thank you so much for posting this. I have to admit that I have been messing with this all day. I plan on doing an experiment to see what my pictures look like when I am performing different tasks at work. I also want to see what the pictures will look like when I am playing loud fast music compared to more mellow music.
    The images that were generated are completely stunning!! I'm bummed I cannot attach them.

  3. I downloaded the program I think that it is pretty cool. I have already told a couple of friends about it. Is there any way that we can still read your blogs after our class is over? You come up with some real cool technology topics almost daily, I appreciate it. thanks!

  4. Cassandra ZavalaMay 8, 2014 at 9:53 PM

    I love "fun computer-thingy time"! This is a very cool piece of technology to say the least. I am thinking about downloading this program and seeing the art it generates. I might even save or screen shot it and use it as my computer background. When people ask me about them, I'll direct them to this program. Thanks for sharing!
