Thursday, September 27, 2012

I completely support electric cars

Even when they're a mesmerizing shade of shiny blue and cost a gasp-worthy $500,000. According to this article on Engadget, the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG E Cell will be available for the money-burning-a-hole-in-their-pocket crowd mid-2103.

Seeing as AMG is the high-end version of regular, low-end, cheap-seats, run-of-the-mill Mercedes-Benz's, and since electric cars are always more expensive, a high price seems understandable. But the technology and approach to turning the wheels is novel; it has an electric motor for EACH WHEEL. 750 horsepower as a result. Very nice.

Even so, you'd have to drive a long time before you saved that amount of money in gas.


  1. Personally, I believe the time and efforts spent in producing this attractive sports car could have been put to use for a better cause. The money could have been spent to look into future energy efficient and self sustaining resources. In a year or two all newly manufactured cars will have to be part electric, so maybe companies like Mercedes should be looking into better developments regarding greener technologies as opposed to spending all that extra battery juice on turning the wheels faster. Really purty lookin' though.

    1. You make a great point! I think that with that technology, they could have used it more efficiently. The average person cannot afford that car!

  2. SUSTAINED! Forgive the consumer in me but it's absolutely gorgeous...

  3. There are a lot of very expensive cars out there. At least this one is not going to be polluting the environment. The cost is super outrageous but I have to say if I had that kind of extra money I would love to own a car this beautiful!!

  4. I too support electric cars. I'm not into the beauty of it, but how enviornmentally efficient it is. There are pros and cons to every new piece of technology that comes out, but I'm am in favor of this one. The price is quite a lot, but I might purchase it if I had the money.

  5. This car is nice and I think it is great that it is electric, but the fact of the matter is that the average person cannot afford a car this expensive. For that amount of money, you can get a huge house a couple of cars. I am much to practical for this type of thing even though I think it is great that they have come up with it.

  6. Mercedes –Benz electric drive supercar, bright paint, I like it and want one just from those words. 750 horsepower is superfast, how awesome. $500,000 is way overpriced. The economy is not 100% back on its feet. $500,000 is paying only for the name “Mercedes-Benz.”

  7. I believe that electric cars are the future, but right now I do not support electric cars. Their are to many problems with batteries not being able to hold a charge, air conditioning not working properly, and parts being very expensive. When batteries go out on these cars you are looking to pay $12,000 to $15,000 a piece. I do not think people are ready to spend the extra dollar on electric car to have the battery go out in two to three years and then pay $12,000 to $15,000 more for a new battery. I do believe that electric cars will come down in the future, but I do not think enough people are sold on electric cars in our generation.
