Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Day Has Finally Come

For anyone still signed up to this site, you will have noticed the regular posts stopped some time ago. That is because I transitioned fully to the Wordpress-hosted is301atnsc.wordpress.com, however that too has now gone by the wayside, but only to pave the way for the new fully hosted website!

That's right, the transition to independent website is complete, and I am very proud to let you all know about IS301.com! If you mosey over there, you will see a post introducing the new site and all its capabilities and potential, ones that even the older Wordpress site didn't have. It's still hosted on the Wordpress platform, which provides a massive amount of potential for future development, and I think you'll see the difference between it and Blogger right away.

Anyway, you are welcome to join in , of course, and become part of the new evolution of the site. If you have any feedback please send it along, and as always I take suggestions for posts or additional features. Hope to see you there!

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